IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking
27–29 November 2024 // Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Call For Tutorial Proposals

Call for Tutorial Proposals

We are soliciting proposals for tutorials to be presented at the IEEE CloudNet 2024. The tutorials must cover advanced topics that fit the scope of IEEE CloudNet and should be of sufficient relevance and importance to attract significant interest from the networking and cloud communities. Typical tutorial audiences consist of graduate students, researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry. We invite proposals for half-day tutorials.


Proposal Format

Each tutorial proposal (maximum 3 pages, two column, 10 point) must include:

  1. Title of the tutorial.

  2. Tutorial organizers (name, contact and short biography).

  3. Scope and topics of the tutorial.

  4. Rationale:

    1. Why is the tutorial related to IEEE CloudNet 2024?

    2. Why is the topic important?

    3. Why may the tutorial attract a reasonable number of attendees?

  5. Particular details that might be unique to the proposed tutorial.

  6. Expected target audience, in terms of both composition and estimated number of attendees.

  7. Description of links to any planned materials or resources to be distributed to attendees.

  8. Names of potential participants and invited speakers (if any).

Organizers are expected to be fully committed and physically present at the tutorial.


Important Dates

Tutorial proposal submission: 25 August, 2024 (AoE)

Decision notification: 30 August, 2024.


Where To Submit

Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format at



For questions regarding the submission, you can email the tutorial chairs:

Oscar Mauricio Caicedo Rendon (, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia

Ronaldo A. Ferreira (, UFMS, Brazil



Local Organizers