IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking
27–29 November 2024 // Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Call For Workshop Proposals

Call for Workshop Proposals

The IEEE CloudNet 2024 workshop proposal should provide the following content:

  1. Title of the workshop
  2. Names and affiliations of the workshop chairs
  3. Scope and topics of the workshop
  4. Rationale
    1. Why the workshop is related to IEEE CloudNet;
    2. Why the topics are timely and important;
    3. How the workshop will attract a significant number of submissions with good quality;
  5. Tentative committee members
  6. A draft call for workshop papers
  7. Workshop format planned (keynote, papers, panels, etc.)


Please send the proposal in PDF format to:


Important Dates

Proposal Submission Deadline:  
July 10, 2024

Acceptance Notification: 
July 15, 2024


Accepted Workshops need to use the following dates: 

  • Workshop Paper Submission deadline: August 25, 2024 
  • Acceptance notification:  September 25, 2024  
  • Camera-ready submission:  September 30, 2024  
  • Workshop date: November 27, 28, or 29, 2024 


Local Organizers